Copyright Registration


Copyright registrations for logos, books, periodicals & magazines. Inclusive of government fee & taxes

₹ 13000.00/-

Copyright for registrations for videos, audio recording & cinematography films. Inclusive of government fee & taxes

₹ 15000.00/-

Copyright Registration

What is a copyright?

Copyright is an intellectual property right that provides protection for literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works. By getting a copyright registration, the creator/author becomes a legal owner of the copyrighted work. A copyright gives the author several commercial and moral rights.

Registration of copyright is necessary for an author for the creative work to be reproduced, translated, adapted, and communicated to the public. Copyright is an exclusive right to enjoy the benefits arising from one’s own creative work, and no other creator can infringe on those rights. A copyright protection is granted for a time period of 60 years.


Although a creator enjoys copyright over the works ever since the work comes into existence, legal registration of copyright provides legal protection and benefits. The process for registration of a copyright is as follows:

  • Application: An application for copyright registration is made to the Copyright Office using Form-XIV, submitted along with a prescribed fee for that particular type or work. This form contains all the particulars related to the work and the applicant and can be used for both published and unpublished works.
  • Submission: The forms are attested by the Applicant. A Power of Attorney must be executed if the applicant is being represented by a legal person. All the documents are submitted to the Registry.
  • Diary Number: A diary number is issued after the application is filed for registration.
  • Examination: The application is examined by the Examiner within 30 days from the issue of diary number, and any objections or discrepancies which might arise, are highlighted.
  • Notice: In case an objection arises, a notice is issued to both the parties. The applicant must reply to the objections within 30 days from the date of issue of the notice. If the examiner is not satisfied by the reply to the objections, a hearing might be called for.
  • Certificate: A copyright is registered after the objections and discrepancies are removed. A registration certificate is issued for the copyright.

What is the process of drafting a will?
Step 1

Select Package

Select packages as per your choice and fill out the forms

Step 2

Comprehensive Agreement

(2-3 working days) We Will draft a comprehensive agreement based upon your selection and requirements.

Step 3

revision of Agreement

(2-3 working days) We Will provide you with a copy of the agreement for you to revise.

Step 4

Redrafting (if required)

(1-2 working days) Ig you still feel that there is something that can be modified, we will promptly add it.

Step 5

Final Submission

(2-3 working days) We Will do the final submission of soft/hard copies to you.


  • Right to integrity: An author/creator of a work has moral rights, which are non-transferable, and arises as soon as the work is completed. The right of paternity and right to integrity comprise the moral rights of an author. Under these rights, the author has the sole authorship over the work. Also, the author has the right to claim damage over modification, mutilation, or distortion of the original creation.
  • Right to distribute: A copyright owner can distribute the work using the mode of choice to as many people as they want. This right can also be licensed to a third party as per the author’s wish.
  • Right to reproduce/adapt: Copyright being an exclusive legal right, does not allow anyone to reproduce or adapt the author’s work without permission.
  • Right to performance: Copyright owners can perform their artistic, musical and dramatic works in the public and no one else can do so without their authorization.
  • Right to broadcast: The owner of the copyright can broadcast the work over television or radio, or whatever medium suitable, to the public.


The original works can be provided copyright protection under the following three types:

  • Literary, Dramatic. Musical, and Artistic works like  books, music, painting, sculpture, etc.
  • Cinematography Films that consist of any work of visual recording on any medium.
  • Sound recordings that consist of a recording of sounds, regardless of the medium on which such recording is made or the method by which the sound is produced.
  • License to communicate any work to the public by Broadcast.


  • Copies of the work for which a copyright must be filed
  • A Power of Attorney signed by the applicant in whose name the application will be filed; 
  • No-objection letter from the author of the work
  • Udyam Certificate (If applicant is a MSME)
  • BOARD RESOLUTION (If applicant is a Pvt/Public Ltd. Co)
  • Aadhar Card of the Applicant
  • Startup Certificate (if applicant is a start-up recognised by DPIIT)
  • Information regarding the author(s) including full name and address, details of the contribution made to the work;
  • Title of the work;
  • Whether the work is already published or unpublished. If published, the date of first publication and last publication.
  • Language used in the work; 
  • Information regarding Applicant, including full name and address, type of legal entity state of incorporation or country of citizenship;

What is the process of drafting a will?
Step 1

Select Package

Select packages as per your choice and fill out the forms

Step 2

Comprehensive Agreement

(2-3 working days) We Will draft a comprehensive agreement based upon your selection and requirements.

Step 3

revision of Agreement

(2-3 working days) We Will provide you with a copy of the agreement for you to revise.

Step 4

Redrafting (if required)

(1-2 working days) Ig you still feel that there is something that can be modified, we will promptly add it.

Step 5

Final Submission

(2-3 working days) We Will do the final submission of soft/hard copies to you.

When can a copyrighted work be used without Permission?

To protect users’ interests, some exemptions have been prescribed in respect of specific uses of works enjoying copyright. Some of the exemptions are the uses of the work,

  • For research or private study,
  • For criticism or review
  • In connection with a judicial proceeding
  • For performance by an amateur club or society, if the performing for a non-paying audience and
  • The making of sound recordings of literary, dramatic, or musical works under certain conditions.


Is Copyright protection valid only in India?

India is a part of the Berne Convention, therefore, a copyrighted work in India would be protected as foreign work in other participant countries to the Berne Convention.

Can names be copyrighted?

Only original and creative works can be given copyright protection.

Can I transfer my copyright?

Yes, transfer of copyright is possible though selling or licensing.

How long does it take to obtain a copyright registration?

It can be obtained within 6 to 8 months.

Is publishing of the work required to get a registration?

No, both published and unpublished work can get copyright protection. With published works, details of publishing are required.

Can a copyright application get rejected?

Yes, the Examiner might reject an application after an unsatisfactory reply to a discrepancy.

Who can obtain copyright protection?

Any person or a business entity can obtain copyright registration. An individual can be an author, creator, musician, photographer, producer, painter, composer, or company.

What to do if my copyright is infringed?

A copyright holder has to send a statutory notice to the person who has infringed the work.